Thursday, April 27, 2017

2017? What happened to 16?

Well... yeah. So this happened.

And by "this" I mean a ton of stuff since the year and a half I last posted.

There is a saying: "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans."  Life pretty much batted me around like a cat with a crumpled piece of paper.

Why, Life? Why?

I think I'll get right to it:

-Pass CPA Exam (2 Days??!!)

I am on my last section! Within a year and a half I passed AUD, FAR, lost AUD, then passed BEC, and REG. I hate that I have to redo AUD after I already passed it once and so I shall do it again!

Onwards to Saturday!


Ever since I somehow talked a co-worker into half-marathoning, I have gained a new running buddy and the ever increasing running pains that comes with running long distances for long periods of time. (As my great-aunt alwayed said: "never get old".)

My toes are hurting which is means I need better shoes, which I can't do because I have another half marathon on Sunday and I am not sure which is the lesser of two evils: running in brand new, unbroken sneakers or running in ones that make my toes hurt. The choice would have to be the devil I know verse the one I don't.

Onwards to Sunday!

I will be tired after this weekend...

-Nanowritmo (??)

No idea. Next!

-Mortgage (13.0yrs)

I've been plugging along on this. I'll soon be at the milestone where I lose my PMI so that would be nice. I have been tightening on the budget the past couple weeks after I took a look at how bad my spending habits have gotten.

The reason for my budget scrub is mainly because I got a bump in salary this month (as I said, life happened. Some for the good!) and I wanted to see where my money was going. Yeah, the money definitely was going... into take out food and other odds and ends. It's not like I needed a new front door, right? (The answer is 'yes, yes I needed a new door'.)

So enough is enough! I don't need to spend so much (except on new sneakers due to influence of hurting toes. I will treat you better after Sunday, I promise.) I have decided that maybe it was time to go back to some aspects of my old financial lifestyle: like reading finance blogs/books or no cable bill.

I need to bump up the savings. Then I can kick at the day.

So that's it for now! Once the exam and race are done I can buckle down for new and exciting things!

I am making plans, Life! Come and get me!

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