Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Five Month Update

This, my friends, had been a rough summer.

With a close relative passing, my bad habits finally betraying my health and the overall realization that I am officially in my third decade, I have been trying to deal with it all solo.

Mid-life crisis (Quarter-life? Mid-quarter?) amplified.

I'm feeling better. I took a trip to South America to visit a cousin and getting out of my usual routine helped immensely. I think I needed to remind myself the joys of freedom and travel.

But I'm back and ready to learn new things and gain new perspectives:

 -Pass CPA Exam (13mths)

I passed AUD! A 75. Barely, but I did it. Now the clock is ticking and I have until the end of October 2016 to pass the three other sections. The next one is next week (FAR) and I'm not sure whether or not I'll pass. I am determined and persistent though so, even not, I'll keep on trying.

What is keeping me going is that what I'm learning will be beneficial for my job- not in the sense of raises or promotions, but in just knowing the material. The bosses are looking into how to record an entry and I'm seeing similar questions on my practice exams.

It's about learning, connecting, and understanding that makes the stress worth it.


It was a hot summer and I've been busy CPAing so my running has been non-existent. I've done some spin class every other Sunday and some walking but that's about it. I know, sad. And I can't imagine getting back to the running regime I once had.

But I'm slowly getting back into it. Started with the basics last week with Couch to 5K and I've been trying more yoga to prevent anymore knee pain.

As much as I want to get back into half marathons again (Edinburgh!), I also realize I have to ease my way back to better fitness. I plan to sign up for a 10K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving and go from there.

 -Nanowritmo (1mth)

 It's coming! It's coming! I do want to give another go and I have been writing more. I got a nice journal and I've been writing in it for the past couple months. It does make me happy as my pages get filled more and more.

But... journaling is not the same as noveling. I'm not good with telling stories, just ask anyone who has listened to one of my anecdotes (As many children do, I blame my father). Writing a novel is something that needs a lot focus and practice.

It might come down to my CPA exam. After next week's exam, I want to get right onto the next one- REG. This means that my next testing window that I can be ready for is Q1. If I schedule first day of the testing period, that leaves me three months start to finish on one of my weakest areas. Focus might go in that direction and I would try Nanowrimo next year instead.

 -Mortgage (14.5yrs)

 It's been a few months on the refi and it is nice seeing my principle dwindling faster than before. Since I just spent money on a trip to South America and I have trip and projects coming up soon, I need to play catch-up on my finances. Until that happens, it's minimum payments on the mortgage. When I get my cushion back, I'll attempt paying more into the loan.

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