Thursday, August 23, 2018

Life Defined

The past few months I have been thinking long and hard about my current point in life (another birthday!) and I believe I am coming to a conclusion that is hard to take.

'Goals' are suffocating.

 Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that feeling of planning and achieving all these great and amazing things. Lately though, I feel as if once I achieve what I seek, I still find myself lacking.

Then it's onto the next goal and that same feeling of 'not enough'. It's turned into a form of escapism.

So here's the goal that was suggested to me and I still have a hard time trying to wrap my head around:

The goal is to have no goal.

Sure, I have to wrap up a few things I've already committed to (a couple trips, a triathlon), but after that... I'm excited on the idea of having nothing planned.


That doesn't mean I won't be active. I signed up for swimming meets and I will probably have get-togethers with family and friends.

But there are no big trips on the horizon or big far reaching goals to achieve. Nanowrimo may be a nice idea but I would rather have the joy of learning about story structure and what makes a story *good*. I would rather read and journal than writewritewritewritewrite.

Reaching a PR in running would be nice as well, but I have a feeling that if I keep on doing what I'm doing with sprinting and swimming and biking, I will more likely get to the sub30 on during a casual race than I would if I pushed hard after months of strictly running.

The point: No goals.

Not for awhile.

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